Tuesday, August 25, 2009

There is no market in New Zealand’s factory schools

When I purchase goods and services, I always attempt to get the best value for my money.

It’s not wise to pay top prices for, faulty or worn out goods.

So why are schools any different?

Why should I not attempt to get the best education for my children that my money can buy?

This is how the government run school system works! Parents are forced into paying top prices, and forced into receiving what they are given, with no option to change or exchange!

For example, can you imagine being called a “zone cheat” because you’ve been to the “wrong” supermarket or service station?

Why are there arbitrarily-drawn zones for schools when we don’t have them for supermarkets or service stations?

Because for privately-delivered services we have something called a market, a place where people can freely bid for the services they wish to purchase, and pricing and supply are set by specialists looking for a place in the market by meeting the needs and wishes of the customers they hope to attract.

There is no market in New Zealand’s factory schools. Instead we have rationing.

In the absence of a market, we have government-imposed rationing by zone; if you want to send your son to Tauranga Boys you will either have to move to the zone, or become a “zone cheat.”

In a market, extra customers are a good thing.

Without markets ... extra customers are a bad thing!

“What’s the difference between a bright, inquisitive
five-year-old, and a dull, stupid nineteen-year- old?
Fourteen years of the British educational system.”
- Bertrand Russell

“School is the advertising agency
which makes you believe that
you need the society as it is.”
- Ivan Illich


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